Step 1: Create An Account

We only allow actual businesses to be listed in our directories. All listings we deem to be not real businesses offering services/products will be removed without notice. Every listing submitted is manually reviewed to ensure its not spam. Listings that are basically promoting personal websites, other directories, classifieds, etc will be removed.

  • Listings that will be removed without any notification:
  • mutliple listings for the same company or listings for the same parent company with different addresses (such as retail chains, if your business has many seperate address please contact us for options)
  • companies that sell any kind of adult entertainment and/or sexual related service (including dating sites)
  • companies that sell any kind of drug related products/services (including natural/herbal pills, electronic cigarettes, medicinal drugs)
  • gambling related companies
  • companies promoting any sort of illegal activity

We manually check every new listing and every updated listing several times daily. If you have any questions please contact customer service.

Note: UK and Ireland listings are currently suspended until we ensure we are fully GDPR compliant.


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